While 15-25 year-olds consume more in viewing time (over 4 million with an average of 10 hours), 35-49 year-olds are more numerous in number (more than 9 million for an average of more than 5 hours) . The video touches everyone. We also see that 26 million videos are seen on Google and YouTube against 15 million on Dailymotion TS and Facebook. Also opt for the video ad templates for the best results.
Step forward, trust yourself
What we think: if the computer has become for several years an essential object of video editing. Nevertheless, it is still scary fans especially if the video is used for professional use. This fear may be due to the fact that the computer is considered as a fabulous tool of communication, information, documentation, but not yet as an inexhaustible source of creation.
The smartphone is more recognized for capturing images, film quickly without complex or high technicality. But very often what prevents progress is the understanding of the tool, the writing of the scenario and the fear of staging, to hear his voice, to confront the object.
In this article, we will see 10 tips for creating good movies: simple and effective videos in a short time on a smartphone or on a computer. Moreover, we do not learn to walk in 5 minutes.
- Work on the scenario
- Do storytelling, the art of telling a story for managerial, marketing or personal purposes. A Storytelling video must not exceed 3 minutes.
- Create an emotional bond while trying to play on the emotions of the audience
- Contextualize the information: tell an experience, share a moment
- Show the benefits of your brand, product or other projects
- Make your video live through customer or partner experiences
- Develop the message
Whether for an advertisement, a support of purpose, or a product, everything can be transposable in video. This format gives the opportunity to be more explicit by supporting your message with illustrations that are consistent with your subject.
- Put a big title that of your subject
- Keep it short: in your subject (the message should not exceed a few seconds)
- Add subtitles to announce your sub-messages
- Adopt background music to make the video more attractive and dynamic
Tip 2 – Master the basics
Take pictures or movies horizontally (vertically, the images will appear with two black stripes on the sides). In addition, horizontally, the captures can be used in full screen.
Stay steady: do not hesitate to stay several seconds on the same sequence. If you want to take another scene, move your legs slightly to the side of your choice or forward or backward to zoom in / out. And if you’re wrong, you’ve filmed vertically, know that YouTube or other editing software offer to put the capture in the right format.
Remember to vary your plans, do not stay on only one detail of the scene, vary the pleasures. But also to vary the type of plan (overall plan, general plan, American plan)
Prefer natural light: that of the sun, but with a lamp, it is also good ? (the light must be reflected on the people you film). This format gives the opportunity to be more explicit by supporting your message with illustrations consistent with your subject.