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How Schools Can Use Text Messaging to Engage Students and Alumnae – Future Is Now

Instructive establishments from secondary schools to colleges today have an amazing chance to draw in their understudies in the manner in which those understudies wish to be locked in – content informing.

Every school knows there is one inarguable quality all their students possess. They love their mobile phones and are constantly checking and responding to text messages all day long. Those students don’t go anywhere without their mobile phones and prefer texting over email and in many cases, even voice calls. Students are the most text savvy demographic in the U.S. population.

The basis of mobile marketing should be to communicate with recipients with the information they want to receive, how and when they want to receive that information. The right mobile marketing technology can also provide a school with the ability to fully automate most marketing and reporting functions so that it does not place stress on limited human resources.


Consider the possibilities.

Build Your Database

Administrations can obtain their students mobile numbers during the enrollment process and have them opt in to receiving text messaging. It can also be a way to communicate with parents and faculty, as well. Administrations can provide admissions information and notifications to students and help new students become familiar with the school’s facilities, directions and even wake up reminders.

Another potential benefit for school administrations is the ability to provide campus wide security alerts to students, faculty and service personnel. Unfortunately this is becoming an all too frequent issue on American campuses. The right text messaging technology has the potential to save lives.

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Communicate with Students the Way They Want to Hear From You

Students can be notified by their teachers and professors of assignments, reminders for due dates as well as soliciting student feedback. Davenport West High School in Indiana is one of only ten Project Lead the Way (“PLTW”) model schools in the United States and recently has instituted the use of text messaging for students in its Engineering Program.

Jason Frazenburg, the department head says, “Students are now being marketed to every second of the day and as a teacher, I know how difficult it is to compete for a student’s attention. At Davenport, we are embracing the technology that students hold near to their hearts.”

Campus bookstores have a great tool they can use for notifying students of the availability of curriculum books, store specials and reminders of store hours for holidays. The ability to market to students using text messaging has the potential to positively impact store revenues at almost zero cost.

Keep in Contact With Alumnae

Marketing to school alumnae is a major undertaking for all schools while marketing budgets are under stress. It’s important to note that today’s students are tomorrow’s alumnae and now more than ever, people tend to keep their mobile phone numbers for many years. Now is the time to begin building a database for the next generation of alumnae.

Text messaging is a great way to keep alumnae engaged and up to date on school activities and accomplishments. Most importantly, it can prove to be an extremely effective method of fundraising providing a very easy way for alumnae to contribute to supporting their football team, favorite clubs and scholarships.

Educational institutions need to begin today to embrace text messaging and mobile marketing to their students, parents, faculty and alumnae.