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27 Excel tricks that can make anyone an excel expert

Excel has many useful tips for both beginners and advanced users as it plays an important role in handling multiple data. There are numerous super cool features in Excel. Following the tips and hacks enables you to make your work easier and simple with Excel. In this article, we will discuss the Excel tricks that can make anyone an expert in Excel. Do check out: Excel on mobile

  • Just One click to select all the data, by clicking once at the corner button all the data will be selected immediately
  • To Open the excel files in bulk, just select all the files that you want to open and click on All the files will be instantly selected
  • To shift between the different excel files, use the Ctrl+Tab button
  • Creating new shortcut menus apart from the three shortcuts that are available like save, repeat typing, and undo More shortcuts like copy and cut can be set using File> options > Quick access toolbar
  • A diagonal line can be added to a cell to separate various attributes of columns and rows
  • Adding more than one new column or row by right-clicking and inserting new columns or rows from the drop-down menu
  • Quickly moving and copying the data in cells
  • Deleting any blank cells by using Data > Filter and choosing the last option that says All blank cells will be deleted
  • Search using the Wild cards like Asterisk or Question Mark
  • Generating unique value in a column
  • Data validation function for input restrictions
  • Quick navigation using Ctrl + Arrow Button
  • The data that is in a row can be changed to the column by using the Transpose Home> paste>Transpose
  • The data can be hidden thoroughly by using the format cells function
  • Compose Text with &, any text can be composed freely by using & symbol
  • The text case can be changed from UPPER to LOWER and
  • Inputting the values beginning with zero
  • The autocorrect feature allows the text to be replaced with the correct text. File>Options> Proofing>AutoCorrect Options and type the Replace text with the correct text
  • With just one click, more data status like Sum Value, Average can be obtained
  • Double-clicking helps to rename a sheet without wasting much of your
  • Press Ctrl + to add the current date and time without typing it
  • Hiding rows and columns by using the shortcut keys
  • Calculating the average of the numbers by using the average formula = AVERAGE (sell range)
  • Hyperlinking cell to a website by highlighting the words that need to be hyperlinked and pressing Ctrl + K
  • Removing the duplicate data from the database
  • Adding a checkbox in the excel sheet by highlighting the cell that you want to create a checkbox, clicking on DEVELOPER, and under FORM CONTROLS, clicking on the
  • Using the autofill feature in Excel to magically copy the same pattern to other cells

There are unlimited benefits Excel offers to its users for your professional or individual use. An individual can make use of an excel spreadsheet for keeping records of various things like organizing budgeting data, creating grocery lists, sharing important data with others, etc. A professional person can make use of Excel for creating charts, company budgeting, organizing or scheduling meetings, etc.